FlowChat's Team Member of the Month

September 2024

Eric Lim

Congratulations to Eric Lim, our Team Member of the Month for September, 2024!

You’ve once again shown us why FlowChat is unstoppable with you on the team.

When Andre stepped away, you didn’t just fill the gap...

You owned it.

Your commitment to keeping our tech systems in top shape is nothing short of extraordinary.

You increased communications with Bruno, and ensured that updates and maintenance rolled out smoothly without a hitch.

And let’s talk about that extension of ours... thanks to you, it’s never been better.

From squashing bugs to perfecting the auto-responder, you’ve been the silent force making sure everything runs like clockwork.

Your dedication to making our AI assist, interface, and enrichment capabilities the best in the game is the reason FlowChat continues to set the standard.

What really stands out is your availability.

Practically around the clock, you’ve been there, responding quickly, fixing issues, and doing whatever it takes to keep FlowChat great.

Your willingness to step up, especially when Andre was out, shows the kind of team player you are.

Eric, FlowChat wouldn’t be where it is today without your incredible efforts.

Your hard work, precision, and unwavering commitment have made all the difference, and for that, we’re beyond grateful.

Keep doing what you do, because with you on our side, FlowChat’s future is brighter than ever. 🌟👏

P.S. Thanks for making the late-night bug fixing look easy.

Team Members Of The Month


October, 2024


Eric Lim

September, 2024

Congratulations to Eric Lim, our Team Member of the Month for September, 2024!

You’ve once again shown us why FlowChat is unstoppable with you on the team.

When Andre stepped away, you didn’t just fill the gap...

You owned it.

Your commitment to keeping our tech systems in top shape is nothing short of extraordinary.

You increased communications with Bruno, and ensured that updates and maintenance rolled out smoothly without a hitch.

And let’s talk about that extension of ours... thanks to you, it’s never been better.

From squashing bugs to perfecting the auto-responder, you’ve been the silent force making sure everything runs like clockwork.

Your dedication to making our AI assist, interface, and enrichment capabilities the best in the game is the reason FlowChat continues to set the standard.

What really stands out is your availability.

Practically around the clock, you’ve been there, responding quickly, fixing issues, and doing whatever it takes to keep FlowChat great.

Your willingness to step up, especially when Andre was out, shows the kind of team player you are.

Eric, FlowChat wouldn’t be where it is today without your incredible efforts.

Your hard work, precision, and unwavering commitment have made all the difference, and for that, we’re beyond grateful.

Keep doing what you do, because with you on our side, FlowChat’s future is brighter than ever. 🌟👏

P.S. Thanks for making the late-night bug fixing look easy.

Micah Gomez

August, 2024

Micah, you’ve done it again!

But are we surprised?

Not in the slightest.

This month, you’ve proven yet again that excellence isn’t just a goal for you—it’s your standard.

You recently took a leap and invested in a brand-new laptop, not for leisure or casual use, but to ensure you can continue delivering top-tier performance for the FlowChat team.

That’s the kind of dedication that separates the good from the great, and Micah, you’re firmly in the “great” camp.

Your knack for matching Ideal Client Profiles (ICP) remains unmatched.

But it’s more than just a skill—it’s an art form you’ve mastered, making sure our Done For You clients are not just satisfied but thrilled with the results.

Your constant vigilance in posting company-wide reminders and ensuring our content hits the mark on time?

It’s nothing short of legendary.

Let’s talk pipelines—your precision in ensuring each one is packed with the perfect amount of prospects is a game-changer.

It’s your reliability that keeps our clients’ reports on track and our entire team in sync.

Your ability to keep up with the fast-paced world of FlowChat and still deliver flawless results is beyond impressive—it’s inspiring.

Micah, your contributions don’t just help FlowChat; they’re the lifeblood of our success.

Your dedication is the flow that keeps us all moving forward, and your relentless pursuit of perfection is what makes FlowChat the groundbreaking tool it is today.

Thank you for being the powerhouse you are.

Your commitment, hard work, and professional ethos make you an indispensable part of our journey.

We’re incredibly lucky to have you as part of our FlowChat family.

Here’s to you, Micah—our shining star for August 2024!

Keep inspiring, keep leading, and keep making FlowChat the absolute best it can be!

Arcily Arban

July, 2024

Arcily Arban has become our outstanding Team Member of the Month for July 2024!

Arcily embodies the very essence of dedication and innovation here at FlowChat, and we couldn't be prouder to recognize her contributions.

Arcily has been instrumental in driving our Find & Fill service.

Without her stellar efforts, our clients' external outreach campaigns would be adrift.

Thanks for keeping the wind in our sails for our clients!

Arcily’s communication style is as clear as crystal.

When conflicts arise, she doesn't hesitate to reach out to Reymer or Hannah, ensuring swift resolutions.

Her ability to speak up and ask for support is a cornerstone of our team's success.

Arcily’s knack for swiftly solving problems and picking up new skills has made her an invaluable asset to our team.

Her eagerness to learn and adapt keeps us ahead of the curve.

Beyond her technical prowess, Arcily helps shape our company culture, making FlowChat a fantastic place to work.

Her positive energy and team spirit are contagious.

Thank you, Arcily, for your unwavering support and dedication.

Working with you is a delight, and we’re excited to continue growing together.

Keep up the great work, and enjoy being the July 2024 Team Member of the Month!

Eric Lim

June, 2024

Congratulations to Eric Lim, our Team Member of the Month for June, 2024!

Eric has been absolutely exceptional in keeping our Chrome extension running at full speed.

He's seamlessly integrated new platforms, fixed bugs like a pro, and his response time is nothing short of lightning-fast.

His direct and effective communication with his team leader, Andre, and CTO, Bruno, have been instrumental in our success.

Eric's clear and precise responses ensure that no social platform can pull a fast one on us.

His keen eye and unwavering focus have kept us ahead of the curve.

We're incredibly grateful for Eric's dedication and hard work.

His relentless commitment and invaluable contributions make FlowChat better every day.

Thank you, Eric, for everything you do!

Congratulations once again to Eric Lim!

Andre Teixeira

May, 2024

Andre is the team member of the month for May at FlowChat.

He is instrumental in the software's development, marketing, and ensuring the team fixes all extension bugs.

He works quickly and with near-perfect accuracy.

André, your dedication to FlowChat's development, your keen eye in marketing and beautifying our websites and case studies, and your meticulous work on fixing extension bugs are truly commendable.

Your swift and nearly flawless execution embodies the spirit of a true FlowChat Connector.

We are incredibly grateful for your belief in our cause and your unwavering commitment to excellence.

Thank you for being an integral part of our success!

Reymer Pepito

April, 2024

Reymer has done it again!

Congrats on winning Team Member of the month for a second time!

He continues to provide significant contributions to the team...

In fact,he exceeds expectations in fulfilling client needs with precision and a spirit of service.

Reymer's influence extends beyond client interaction.

As a pivotal figure in steering our internal team dynamics, he adeptly co-leads our members, blending empathy with decisiveness to navigate and resolve challenges efficiently.

His dependability shines brightly; Reymer's punctuality in meetings mirrors his dedication. His boundless enthusiasm truly distinguishes him.

On the off chance he's absent, it's likely due to the unpredictable whims of the weather affecting his internet connection - or his new baby on the way!

We're thrilled to announce another joyous occasion - Reymer is expecting a new addition to his family!

As we eagerly anticipate welcoming the newest FlowBaby, we're reminded of the incredible balance Reymer maintains between his professional dedication and his role as a soon-to-be parent again.

Congratulations, Reymer!

Your performance in managing our internal team pipelines and weekly reporting, coupled with your impending journey into parenthood, exemplifies the perfect blend of professional and personal triumph.

Our team is richer for your contributions and the genuine warmth you bring.

Thank you for making an impact every day! 🎉🌟

Martin VillaFuerte

March, 2024

From the heart of Ecuador to the historical landscapes of Italy, Martín's adventure with FlowChat is a tale of passion and perseverance.

Over the past 11 months, FlowChat has entwined his path with technology and business innovation.

It's been refreshing to watch Martín infuse our team with fresh, innovative perspectives.

His commitment to enhancing business-technology interfaces, particularly in our Appt Setter sector, exemplifies leadership and creativity.

Martín has found a home where his ambitions and our ethos of growth, problem-solving, and scalability harmonize.

A perpetual learner and an adept logistician, Martín thrives on refining tech processes, embodying the essence of a proactive Setting Pro.

Beyond this, Martín’s dedication to teamwork, leadership aspirations, and vision for expansive business networks distinguish him.

Martín seeks to grow into the next major layer of our team as he's continued to break his own Appt Setter records and is now building an agency for himself and working on creating his first webinar to sell FlowChat as an affiliate.

His ambition and growth potential, is inspiring.

Martín’s presence at FlowChat reinforces our core principles: Love, We vs. Me, Kaizen, & Kindness.

Here’s raising a toast to Martín - our strategic setter, our collaborative force, and our March Team Member of the Month! 🚀

April Corbett

February, 2024

February 2024 shines bright as we honor April Corbett , our esteemed Team Member of the Month! 🏆

April's dedication and expertise in sales have been a cornerstone of our success, driving consistent deal closures and fueling our growth and development at FlowChat.

Beyond her remarkable sales acumen, April's creativity in offer creation and marketing positioning has set new benchmarks for excellence.

Her willingness to share her insights and strategies, even stepping in for impromptu strategy calls, underscores her commitment to our collective success. 🌈

April, along with her loyal companion Lupita 🐶, has made Mexico her home for now...

Yet, no matter the distance or the circumstance, she's proven that dedication knows no bounds.

Her ability to show up, deliver, and inspire, regardless of location, is nothing short of admirable.

As a vital member of our Core team, April's spirit of collaboration and leadership illuminates our path forward.

We are beyond grateful for her contributions and the positive energy she brings to FlowChat.

Thank you, April, for being an incredible team player and for all that you do.

Here's to many more successful years together! 🥂

#TeamMemberOfTheMonth #FlowChatFamily #SalesPro #AprilCorbett

Micah Gomez

January, 2024

This January, we shine the spotlight on a true star in our FlowChat galaxy - the remarkable Micah Gomez!

Micah has been a beacon of dedication, skillfully mastering the art of matching Ideal Client Profiles (ICP) for our Done For You clients, posting company wide reminders, and making sure our content is published on time.

Her meticulous approach has elevated our service to new heights!

Micah's exceptional work doesn't stop there.

She has been the cornerstone in ensuring all pipelines have the right amount of prospects to message for each client so reports delivered can be on time, embodying the essence of reliability and precision.

Her ability to swiftly adapt to our fast-paced development is nothing short of inspiring!

Micah, your unwavering commitment to excellence is a testament to your professional ethos.

Your contributions not only make FlowChat better but also deeply impact the success of our clients.

Your dedication is the wind beneath our wings, propelling us forward in our mission to deliver outstanding results.

We extend our heartfelt gratitude for your hard work, dedication, and relentless pursuit of perfection.

You embody the spirit of FlowChat, and we are incredibly grateful to have you as part of our family.

Thank you for being an indispensable part of our journey!

Here’s to you, Micah - our January Member of the Month!

Keep shining, keep inspiring, and keep making FlowChat the best it can be! 🌟👏

Mishi George

December, 2023

In the bustling world of digital marketing and sales, stars like Mishi George truly shine.

Over the past eight months, Mishi has exemplified exceptional growth and prowess as our Sales Setter Specialist, becoming an indispensable asset to the FlowChat family.

Living in the vibrant city of Prague, Mishi's passion for travel mirrors his professional journey.

With recent adventures across Paris, Slovakia, Barcelona, Budapest, and Croatia, his experiences have enriched his perspective, infusing creativity and global insight into his work.

As a young, urban professional on the brink of graduating from the University of New York - Prague this spring, Mishi's growth trajectory has been nothing short of remarkable.

His ability to engage prospects with ease and nurture them towards a sale has set new benchmarks, booking nearly 10 appointments per day. His contributions to our marketing department are invaluable, offering insightful feedback and ideas that propel our strategies forward.

Mishi's dedication to mastering the art of persuasion and copywriting aligns with his avid love for reading and continuous learning.

This pursuit of excellence is further amplified by his discipline as a humble warrior and black belt in martial arts. The focus and determination he exhibits in martial arts are mirrored in his professional role, enabling him to execute tasks with precision and excellence.

Mishi's journey with us has been inspiring. His hard work, discipline, and commitment to growth reflect the very ethos of FlowChat.

He's not just a team member; he's a vital part of our success story.

Congratulations, Mishi, on being December's Team Member of the Month!

Your journey is a testament to what passion, discipline, and continuous learning can achieve.

We are incredibly proud and grateful to have you on the FlowChat team. 🚀📚🥋🌍🎉

Sherwin Bayhon

November, 2023

Meet Sherwin Bayhon, one of our special tech virtuosos and November's shining Star at FlowChat!

Sherwin isn't just a part of our team; he's a force that propels us forward.

With his abilities, FlowChat's extension now seamlessly interacts with 13 social platforms, showcasing his breadth of skill and foresight and allowing our software to be "one-of-a-kind".

His dedication to the import feature has not only kept us at the forefront of marketing innovation but has also made FlowChat a buzzword for efficiency and relevance.

One of Sherwin's crowning achievements is our new automation message sending feature, a game-changer in how our members connect and communicate.

This feature, along with the robust back-end connections he has engineered, allows FlowChat to integrate flawlessly with a multitude of other software, creating a symphony of productivity.

The speed of the overlay tool, another of Sherwin's brilliant pieces of handy work, enables our members to work without interruption, ensuring a fluid and effective experience.

When our systems hiccup, Sherwin is one of our main rapid-response team members, troubleshooting and repairing with an expertise that is as reliable as it is rapid.

Beyond his technical prowess, Sherwin's positive spirit and responsiveness make him a joy to work with.

His ability to keep the tech team moving, paired with his easy communication, make complex projects feel like a smooth ride.

For his innovation, teamwork, and the sheer impact of his contributions, we're proud to name Sherwin Bayhon as our Team Member of the Month for November.

Sherwin, your work has not only advanced FlowChat's capabilities but has also inspired us all.

Thank you for your service, dedication, and the ingenuity you bring to our table every day.

Congratulations! You're a special part of our team. 🌟🎉

Reymer Pepito

October, 2023

Ever wondered how some people effortlessly blend the best of their traits into every aspect of their job?

Look no further than Reymer Pepito, our October Star!

Born on January 28th, an Aquarius, Reymer carries the magic of his zodiac sign. Aquarians are known for their big hearts, filled with understanding and love for the world.

Reymer translates this into unwavering dedication to our clients, meeting their requirements and managing their needs flawlessly.

His role doesn't stop there; he has been the backbone in co-managing other team members, guiding them, and solving issues with a balance of compassion and assertiveness.

It's rare to find someone as reliable as Reymer; he's always on time for meetings, showcasing his commitment.

(And if he's ever missing, you can bet it's the weather playing spoilsport with his internet!)

Beyond his professional prowess, what truly sets Reymer apart is his zest for life.

He proudly shares his family wins and joyfully celebrates his love for "lots of chocolates."

His enthusiastic attitude is infectious, always lighting up the room and bringing smiles to our faces.

And in true Aquarius fashion, Reymer excels in connecting with people and making a real difference.

He's not just someone who does his job; he adds value, brings positivity, and uplifts everyone around him.

We're not only recognizing Reymer's impressive professional accomplishments but also celebrating the wonderful person he is.

We're indeed fortunate to have such a gem in our team.

Congrats, Reymer! 🎉🌟

Andre Teixeira

September, 2023

🌟 Ever wondered who’s the maestro behind our sleek website design and those catchy gifs in our newsletters?

Ever marveled at the beautiful UI/UX elements that make our platform stand out?

The answer: it's Andre Teixeira! And, drumroll please… 🥁

He's our Team Member of the Month for September 2023!

A quick trip down memory lane: Andre has been blessing us with his creative genius for the past 2.5 years.

You know that feeling when you’re navigating through our site, and everything just

feels right?

Or when you open our newsletters, and those gifs make you smile?

That's Andre's magic at play.

Now, a little birdie told me (okay, it's not a secret), Andre helms a compact yet dynamic team managing our extension.

And trust me when I say, under his guidance, they've been crushing it!

Here's the secret sauce – Andre doesn’t just bring mad computer skills to the table; he brings


His infectious energy, constant drive for innovation, and those little bursts of encouragement? That’s what makes FlowChat not just a company, but a community.

Let's spill some beans – working with Andre is like catching up with an old friend over coffee.

There's laughter, there's synergy, and before you know it, he's served up another masterpiece. Swift in execution, impeccable in quality.

We often hear tales of tech wizards, but how often do you come across one who’s got both the brains and the heart?

With Andre, we hit the jackpot! 🚀

So, here's a massive shoutout to him. Andre, buddy, thank you for every pixel you've perfected, every animation you've animated, and most importantly, for being


We're beyond grateful for your unwavering dedication, and quite frankly, we can't imagine FlowChat without you.

To wrap this up, if ever there was a no-brainer decision, it's this: Andre Teixeira as our Team Member of the Month.

So, next time you spot something cool on our platform, take a moment to appreciate the genius behind it. Here's to Andre – our behind-the-scenes hero!

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P.S. Have you seen the latest feature on our extension?

Yup, that's Andre's handiwork again.

Keep an eye out; there's always more magic to come! 😄

Martín Villafuerte

August, 2023

🌟 Meet Martín Villafuerte, FlowChat's Team Member of the Month for August 2023! 🌟

Hailing originally from Ecuador and now residing in Italy, Martín's journey with FlowChat is nothing short of inspiring.

This young and ambitious professional followed love to Italy, while following his passion for adding value to technology and business logistics right here at FlowChat.

Martín's background as an Industrial Engineer, with experience in factories and consulting, has helped him bring an innovative edge to our team. His dedication to facilitating the interaction of companies with technology, especially within our Interactive Tech, stands out as an example for all of us.

Why did Martín choose FlowChat?

It's all about alignment!

His mission & vision resonate with ours - a desire to help businesses grow, solve challenges, and scale effectively.

He's an eager learner, with a genuine interest in optimizing logistics and technology. A true team player, Martín's hunger and drive to grow have not only added value to our environment but also sparked new paths towards innovation.

What's his role?

He's one of our beloved, Setting Pros! Martín's expertise grows daily in both inbound and outbound strategies that aligns perfectly with his role.

But it's not just about the technicalities.

What truly sets Martín apart is his unwavering commitment to being part of a team, his desire to lead, and his belief in expanding networks and scaling businesses. Full time, flexible, and ready to start at any moment - that's Martín's spirit!

When asked what he looks for in a company, his answer was clear: "A lot of hunger and drive to grow." That's Martín for you.

A driven team player who wants to be the captain of his own success.

FlowChat is proud to have such a dedicated and visionary individual on our team.

He embodies our values of innovation, transparency, honesty, and enthusiasm.

Here's to Martín, our setter, our team player, and our Team Member of the Month for August! 🚀


Hannah (Walkley) Kinser

July, 2023

We've got a superstar in our midst and her name is Hannah Walkley. 🌟

Who's Hannah, you ask?

Well, she's the linchpin of FlowChat.

She's our ace in the hole, our unsung hero.

She's the one who's been redefining how we operate, from the inside out.

She's taken charge of our entire VA squad and has become an indispensable support for our co-founders.

You know that big hill we've been rolling our FlowChat snowball down lately?

Hannah's been the force behind it, pushing us forward and keeping us focused on what matters most - revenue.

She's been with us for several years, and with each passing year, she becomes even more exceptional.

How does she do it?

By growing, developing, and constantly getting better at, well, everything.

Talk about commitment!

A recent newlywed, Hannah's more focused than ever.

She's got her eyes on the prize and isn't letting up.

What makes Hannah truly special is her role as our "glue".

She's the one who keeps us together, keeping everything running smoothly even when the going gets tough.

We hit the jackpot when Hannah decided to join our team.

That's why she's our Team Member of the Month for July 2023.

So here's to Hannah - our rock, our cornerstone, and our superstar.

We couldn't be luckier to have you on our team.

#TeamMemberOfTheMonth #FlowChat

Miss Kitty

June, 2023

Miss Kitty

May, 2023

The Co-Founders

Bruno Domingues


Bruno is the CTO / Co-Founder of FlowChat and is a master software developer, coder, and operational leader. 

He stays buried in the digital underworld helping high ticket coaches & consultants streamline their organic client acquisition on Facebook, Instagram and LinkedIn using an organic CRM platform and FlowChat strategies. 

Bruno has built the backend systems for some of the largest companies in the world. He is motivated by finding and deploying efficient and reliable solutions to the challenges people face when it comes to the tech interface. 

He has a new baby with his loving partner and enjoys a movie now and again as well as casual walks in nearby parks. 

Favorite color: Blue

Favorite movie: Next

Favorite spirit animal: Tiger

What makes you laugh: Funny stuff

What makes you cry: Nothing

What makes you feel anger: Incompetence

If you could have lunch with ANYONE in the world (dead or alive) who would it be? Jessica Biel

What would your last meal on death row be: Steak

Greatest secret: Nothing i can think of

Chris Baden


Chris is the CEO / Co-Founder of FlowChat, an SaaS company that has a unique way of acquiring new customers using organic tools.

Its strategies swiftly led to over $2 million in sales in the first 21 months and it continues to grow rapidly. 

When Chris isn’t building businesses, he’s building a life-long marriage, world-impacting family, and competed on NBC's hit TV show American Ninja Warrior for 3 seasons.

Favorite color: Red

Favorite movie: Braveheart

Spirit animal: Chuck Norris

What makes you laugh: Fart Jokes

What makes you cry: Selflessness

What makes you angry: Anything that hurts kids

If you could have lunch with ANYONE in the world (dead or alive) who would it be? Jesus

What would your last meal on death row be: An extra life mushroom from Mario

Greatest secret: Yet to be revealed

Sean Malone


Sean is the CRO / Co-Founder of FlowChat and comes from over two decades of studying communication—specifically sales and the lost art of prospecting. 

He and his teams have successfully grown more than a handful of seven-figure businesses (and sold a few) and have guided four organizations into the eight-figures. He has personally closed over $130 million in his career.

He stays relentlessly focused on solving the revenue problem for business owners so they can experience the growth and success they deserve. 

He is a loving hubby, cat-dad, disc golfer, and Sell By Chat™ Expert.  

Favorite color: Green

Favorite movie: Top Gun 2

Favorite spirit animal: Hummingbird

What makes you laugh: Corny dance performances on AGT 

What makes you cry: Losing people I care about

What makes you feel anger: Pigeons

If you could have lunch with ANYONE in the world (dead or alive) who would it be? Einstein 

What would your last meal on death row be: Pizza from the Great American Pub, as much beer/whiskey as I could drink, Black Rice Sushi from Hiroba Sushi, and my mom’s chocolate cake with milk. 

Greatest secret: I’m huge in Japan - ask me!

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